Our Mission

Wo want to spread Love.Peace & Cofffee. We bring People together and create a save room for EVERYONE. Get inspired to follow your heart. 

Our Passion

We love to travel and to meet people. Even more wonderful is it, to bring people from all over the world together and serve them with inspiration, peace, love and coffee.

Our Plan

is to be happy. You will find us somewhere on the road. Mostly on the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela. 
We are driving home for Christmas 24. We plan to be back in Germany in September 2024.

Roadtrip to happiness

This old Bus was build in 1959 to move people in Berlin from A to B. It was not possible to go for long distance, because of the Wall. Now, 60 Years later - this Bus is still moving. But now, we move people to dream big. We invite our guests to a greater journey without Walls and Borders.

Join us and be a part of this great Journey. The destination is not just a place somewhere. We want to give you a unforgettable ride to happiness and freedom.

Step in and get inspired. You can visit us, follow us and support us with your donation.

Fellow us on social Media

Here you will find our latest post. For more Reels and Stories, visit us on instagram!


Read here all the news about the tour and the trip.

Documentary on TV

You will find the first part of the ARD documentary here. An extended version will be released later in September. 

We are also planing to write a book about our love.peace.coffee tour. Stay tuned!

The End of the Tour 2023/2024 ...

After we reached Santiago de Compostela in October 2023, we continued our journey through Portugal. In May 2024 we startet our way back to Germany. We plan to be home for Christmas. We are looking forward to see you on our way. 

You can book us for 2024

We love to come to your town. We just need an invitation and a nice spot. We also come to your festival or event.
Contact us for more information!

our way to

the edge of the world

Here you will find all our stations along the way
to Santiago de Compostela.

BE a Part
of this adventure

You can donate, support or participate in this wonderful and unique project. Help us to spread Love. Peace and Coffee all over Europe. We want to inspire people to live a brave life. 

get inspired

learn more about ...
the Bus
... the Bus
Build 1959

This old Bus was build in 1959. We startet the transformation to this mobile Cafe-Bus in 2018. 

the Driver
... the Driver
Born 1979

ExPastor, Father and Dreamer. Michel is the founder of the Doppellecker. He is not just moving the Bus to the end of the world, he is also moving the hearts of people to dream big.

... the Goal
Begun 2023

In 2023 we startet to travel on the Camino to Santiago de Compostela. But this is just a location somewhere on the map. Our true goal was and is to create a save place to just BE YOU.


D2U Büssing - est. 1959

All Facts about it.

Frequently asked questions about the Bus

  • Who made the Bus?
    This Bus is from Büssing, a German bus and truck manufacturer, established in 1903. The company was taken over by MAN AG in 1971.
  • What is the maximum Speed of the Bus?
    It depends on whether it’s uphill or downhill. But the maximum speed is about 85km/h. Uphill sometimes 20km/h
  • Where did you found the Bus?
    I was looking on several internet sites (ebay, etc.) for an used old Doubledeckerbus. Finally I found this one in Berlin. 
  • How long did the renovation take?
    About 9 month in fulltime and the help of my father and friends. 

Facts about the Bus

Power in PS


Speed in km/h


Motor in ccm³


Build in Year


hight in mm


width in mm


length in mm


weight in kg


Documentary Film

Film by Julia Horn | (c) 2024 ARD
Michel Malcin
Founder, Driver and Dreamer 

I was born in 1979 in the eastern part of Germany. After finishing school, I worked in a kindergarten before spending a year in the USA. During my time there, I embarked on my first road trip, traveling from New York City to Chicago, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, New Orleans, Texas, and back to New York.

Following my time in the United States, I began studying theology, which led to a fulfilling 16-year career as a pastor. However, I eventually encountered burnout, prompting me to make a significant life change. I decided to leave my pastoral role and invested in an old bus, which I converted into a mobile café.

After the pandemic and a divorce, I moved into my bus and startet to travel on the camino to Santiago de Compostela. My true calling revolves around igniting inspiration in others, encourage them to follow their dreams. I find immense joy in being a host, relishing the opportunity to unite people and create meaningful connections.

Follow us










our Channel doppellecker


Find out more about our project in this short image film.

Video Description


Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.
publico 2023-02

Where we are now

You can find our current position on Instagram.

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